What We Do
AIZOTH provides AI services such as Multi-Sigma, AI consulting, spot support to optimize manufacturing conditions, and commissioned R&D. Multi-Sigma is the cloud-based AI software for R&D to reduce the effort of experiment drastically and also to help researchers finding the innovative solutions for their actual problems with minimum experimental dataset. Multi-Sigma was already introduced by large manufacturing enterprises and top universities.

Key feature of Multi-Sigma:
・Numerical analysis using deep learning: Deep learning techniques of both neural network and Bayesian optimization can be used with minimum dataset. High precision prediction of multiple objective variables. Factor analysis using sensitivity analysis for explainable AI. Multi-objective optimization in trade-off (maximization, minimization, target value, tailor-made optimization, constraint of explanatory variables). It can handle a large number of explanatory variables (up to 200) and objective variables (up to 100),
・No-code cloud-based software:Multi-Sigma is the advanced cloud-based AI platform which can be used with no-code on the browser. Anyone can use Multi-Sigma anytime, anywhere, and by any hardware (even by smartphones).
・Innovative Design of Experiment using Artificial Intelligence (AI-DOE): Researchers can utilize our 'AI-DOE' techniques easily on Multi-Sigma. AI-DOE is developed by incorporating AI techniques into the traditional DOE basing on statistics. It can guides researchers to find the optimal solution for multi-input and multi-objective systems.
・Versatility: Multi-Sigma can be utilized for any issue of R&D. Main users are manufacturing companies such as automobile, chemical, pharmaceutical companies. Also it can be used for management issues such as prediction of sales, marketing, and inventory management. Tailor-made optimization is the brand-new techniques with great potential in the field of medical care, material science, and sales management.

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